Productsordered on the online store can be picked up at no delivery cost at any branchof company Bartog d.o.o. Trebnje throughout Slovenia. We have also preparedover 27 pickup points across larger Slovenian cities. You can pay for the orderdirectly in a branch with cash or by a bank card. Payments can also be made byinstalments, specifically from 2 to 12 instalments.
How do Isubmit an order to be picked up in person?
Submittingan order to be picked up in person at one of our branches in Slovenia issimple.
- Loginto the online store or create an account via the registration process.
- Selectthe desired products and add them to your cart.
- Openthe cart and continue the order procedure by clicking the “Purchase” button.
- Followthe order procedure and select “Personal pickup” at one of the branches acrossSlovenia.
- Oncethe order is submitted, wait for the call from our sales staff, who will informyou when your order is available for pickup.
List ofpickup points
Podatki zemljevida
Podatki na zemljevidu ©2017
Podatki na zemljevidu ©2017
At ourpickup points, you can pay by cash, with one-time payments using Activa,MasterCard, Maestro, Diners Club, and Visa credit cards, or with instalmentsusing Diners Club, MasterCard, and Karanta cards.
Whenpersonally picking up orders that have already been paid (with a credit card,by pro forma invoice, etc.), our sales staff at pickup points will ask you forthe number of received orders, which you receive in the confirmation e-mail.
Sales staffis located at each pickup point, ready to provide useful advice or answer anyquestion you might have.