Bartogd.o.o Trebnje is one of the leading companies in Slovenia for the distributionof tyres, wheels, spare parts, additional equipment, oils, lubricants, andfluids, as well as repair services for all types of vehicles.
Our salesnetwork includes products of parts and tyres manufacturers of original qualitythat also supply many other vehicle manufacturer around the globe. We have beenoperating in the Slovenian market for over 25 years. During this time, weearned the trust of auto parts traders, tyre services specialists, repairservice specialists, vehicle shops, car wash services, transport companies,large industrial companies, and primarily end users of products we sell. Weestablished the expertise and earned the trust primarily with our franchisechain of vehicle service stations and vehicle shops B.H.S. The vision and mottoof our company is to provide the highest quality supply of tyres, spare parts,additional equipment and repair services, under competitive circumstances, inthe shortest time possible.
Distributionand wholesale
Our centralwarehouse in Slovenia – with a permanent inventory of over 180,000 differentproducts and over 400,000 individual products – is available every workday from6 am to 10 pm, and from 8 am and 12 noon on Saturdays. But you can submit anorder via our B2B portal at any time.
We acceptand meticulously process your valued orders on our B2B online shop forcompanies,, and B2C online shop for natural persons,, 24 hours a day. We also accept and process orders submitted bytelephone or mail to our sales staff every day between 8 am and 6 pm. Theordered products that we have in our inventory will be delivered to anylocation in Slovenia within 24 hours, but you can also pick up your productspersonally during working hours in our warehouse.
As part ofour franchise shops for replacement part in select cities in Slovenia, we alsooperate distribution centres, which offer local deliveries or allow personalpickup of your ordered goods. You can check the inventory of products in thesecentres in the online shop for companies or natural persons.
Distributioncentres are already operating in Brežice, Črnomelj, Idrija, Ilirska Bistrica,Jesenice, Koper, Kranj, Lesce, Ljubljana, Ljubno ob Savinji, Metlika, Moravče,Nova Gorica, Novo mesto, Postojna, Ptuj, Slovenj Gradec, Šentjur, Škofja Loka,Trbovlje, Trebnje, Velenje, Žalec, Murska Sobota.