1. končnik Swag 30 71 0023

    SEAT Arosa (6H) (05/97-06/04), Ibiza II / Cordoba / Inca (02/93-06/03), Toledo (05/91-03/99); VW Caddy II (9K9, 9K9B, 9U7) (11/95-01/04), Corrado (53I) (09/88-12/95), Golf II (19E) (08/83-12/92), Golf III (1H1, 1H5, 1E7) (08/91-06/02), Jetta II (19E) (01/84-07/92), Lupo (09/98-07/05), Passat (35I) (02/88-05/97), Polo (6K_) (11/95-07/02), Polo (6N_) (10/94-10/01), Santana (08/84-12/99), Vento (11/91-09/98); VW (FAW) Jetta König II (04/00-01/08)

  2. ** the image is symbolic
  4. Price4,21 €

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